WhatsApp Image 2024-07-23 at 15.43.47 (1)
23 июля 2024 г.

Visit of Secretary General Raev to Ordu

23 июля 2024 г.

Visit of Secretary General Raev to Ordu

During his visit to Ordu, TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev had the opportunity to closely observe the cultural and natural richness of the city. 
Mr. Raev, who was in Ordu to make contacts with the Governorship of Ordu, Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, Ordu University and TURKSOY in order to promote the cultural heritage of Ordu in the national and international arena, visited Ordu Governor Muammer Erol in his office and exchanged views on the activities to be carried out by TURKSOY in Ordu. 
Raev spoke highly of Ordu
Sultan Raev, who met with the Governor of   Ordu  Muammer Erol and signed the book of honour of the Governorate, expressed his happiness to be in Ordu  and said: ‘The potential and cultural richness of Ordu is of great importance for the common heritage of the Turkic World. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people and local authorities of Ordu for their hospitality. We will continue our efforts to transfer this beautiful heritage to future generations.’ Sultan Raev thanked Governor Muammer Erol for the warm interest shown to him and the TURKSOY delegation and said that he was fascinated by the historical, cultural and natural beauties of Ordu and added:  ‘I am very happy to be in such a beautiful city. One side of Ordu is full of historical and cultural richness, while the other side has a blue sea adorned with green forests. I have no doubt that TURKSOY will take an active part in future events in Ordu.’
Raev: TURKSOY will also take part in cultural activities in Ordu

Afterwards, Secretary General Raev met with the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality of Ordu Dr. Mehmet Hilmi Güler and was informed about cultural activities and projects carried out in the city. Secretary General  Raev thanked Mayor Guler for his warm welcome and  hospitality  towards the delegation of TURKSOY and expressed his appreciation as to  the fact that TURKSOY and the Ordu Metropolitan Municipality decided to cooperate on cultural activities to be carried out in Ordu from now on. 

Within the scope of the working visit, Raev held a bilateral meeting with the Rector of the  Ordu University Prof. Dr. Orhan Baş and exchanged views on  cultural activities to be carried out jointly with the  University. Mr. Raev invited the  Rector of the Ordu University Orhan Baş to the Turkic World Youth Forum to be organised by TURKSOY and expressed his wish to cooperate with the  Ordu University on international scientific conferences organised by TURKSOY on various occasions and thanked Rector Orhan Baş for his warm welcome and hospitality.

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