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25 июля 2024 г.

Secretary General Raev met with managers of the football team Trabzonspor

25 июля 2024 г.

Secretary General Raev met with managers of the football team Trabzonspor

Within the framework of his visit to the Black Sea region of Türkiye together with Deputy Secretary General Sayit Yusuf,  Secretary General Raev who held bilateral meetings with local officials and Rectors of universities in Trabzon also paid a visit to the Trabzonspor football club. 


During the meeting hosted by Trabzonspor  Secretary General Kemal Öztürk, Mr. Öztürk stated that Trabzonspor attaches particular importance to  the Turkic World in events they  organise and said: ‘Azerbaijan participated in the Trabzonspor Football Schools Event we held in Trabzon this month. The friendship and fraternity between our young people was further strengthened. This made us very happy.’


TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev said that  TURKSOY especially concentrates on cultural and sports activities for  young people, who are the future of the Turkic World. Mr. Raev who also added that TURKSOY is planning to organise a football event to be held with the participation of 12 to 13 year-olds from  Turkic Republics said that the arrangements necessary therefore will be met in  in September.


At the  meeting which took place in a warm atmosphere and ended with a photograp being taken as a remembrance of the day, Mr. Öztürk offered Trabzonspor jerseys to Mr. Raev and Mr. Yusuf  with their names written on them.



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