― 20 марта 2025 г.
Nowruz visit of the delegation of TURKSOY to the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Türkiye
Within the framework of Nowruz celebrations, the Secretary General of the International Organisation of Turkic Culture TURKSOY Mr. Sultan Raev, and his Deputy Secretary General Sayit Yusuf aalong with accompanying artists of the Turkic World paid a visit to Mr. Bekir Bozdağ, the Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye in his office.
During the visit, Secretary General Sultan Raev offered a semeni tray to Mr. Bekir Bozdağ as a symbol of the new year and hope. Thanking Mr. Raev for his kind gift, the Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Mr. Bozdağ expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye and said:
‘Today, humanity is going through a rather challenging period in political, economic, social and humanitarian terms. In this respect, humanity clearly needs to believe in hope for a new day, a new excitement and revival. Unfortunately, the global agenda is full of suffering which overshadows the joy of this holiday. Nevertheless, I do wish that Nowruz, which traditionally symbolises rebirth and awakening, will bring about the birth of a new world where peace and tranquility prevail.’
Mr. Bozdağ also wished Nowruz to be an occasion of renewal for the Turkic World and the Islamic World bringing about peace and prosperity to all humanity together with the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan.
Nowruz is the most important cultural heritage in the hearts of peoples of the Turkic World.
Speaking during the visit, Secretary General Sultan Raev expressed his pleasure to be hosted at the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye and said:
‘I would like to express my gratitude to Your Excellency for receiving us on the occasion of Nowruz, the common holiday of the peoples of the Turkic World. It is of great significance that Nowruz is celebrated under the roof of the Grand National Assembly as a cultural heritage that has been in the hearts of the Turkic World for centuries. The hosting of artists' delegations from the Turkic World at the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Türkiye is the most meaningful honour given to this great heritage.’
Following the speeches, artists of the Turkic World gave a short music performance to mark the meaning and importance of the day. The visit ended with group photographs taken as a remembrance of the day.